Pickup/Dropoff/Dismissal Reminders


ARRIVAL:    8:25 am    If your child arrives after the 8:40 am bell they will need to enter through Door 1 and check into the main office

Instruction begins promptly at  8:40 am.  

DISMISSAL:   2:45 pm 

Please remind or let your child know their dismissal plans before they come to school.  Phone calls to change plans during the school day are disruptive to the classroom and learning environment, and there is also a possibility that your child will not receive the message in time.  Any changes to their normal dismissal routine should be sent in writing with your child.  If you have an unexpected emergency or change, please email the school secretary at dolbeare.secretary@wpsk12.org as early as possible so that we will have a record of this change in writing and be able to get the information to your child in time.  Thank you for your cooperation.