Friday, December 23, 2022 - Bulletin



*TODAY IS AN EARLY RELEASE DAY! Students will be dismissed at 11:20.

*The community service club coat drive will run through January 8th. Gently used and new coats that will keep kids or adults warm and dry can be donated. Coat donations can be turned in to Mr. Vaillancourt in the gym or Mr. Georgette in room 230.

*The Youth Action Team will be meeting Wednesday, January 4, 2023 right after school in room 233. Please reach out to Mrs. Tarness with any questions.

*The Diversity Group will be meeting Wednesday, January 4, 2023 right after school in the 8th grade project room. Please reach out to Ms. Warren with any questions.

*This is December Spirit Week! Remember that all attire must be school appropriate. TODAY, 12/23: Freaky Friday, teachers dress like students, students dress like teachers.

*Attention all Lower House students: If you are interested in learning more about social justice issues, please join our book club! We  will be reading Stamped For Kids by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi, and our first meeting will be on Friday, January 6th from 2:30-3:30 in room 103. Please sign up ahead of time so we can be sure to have enough books for everyone interested. You can check out the flyers around school or see Ms. Langlois for more information about signing up. 

*We would like to wish all of our students, families, and staff a safe and restful holiday week. We will see you in 2023!


*8th Period Duty:  1/5 Upper House with Mrs. Stevenson in room 233; Lower House in room 219 with Ms. Silvonic


*Review of Dismissal Procedures: If you should need to dismiss your student during the school day, please send your child in with a note, and have them report to the main office. We will log them in our dismissal book and give them a pass. This will help to alleviate disruptions to classrooms during teaching time. You can still email the teachers, however if that is all you do it may not be transferred to the main office. Also, if you just email the main office staff or Administration, due to the volume of traffic in the office in the morning, an email may not be seen right away. Parents/Guardians MUST come to the main office to sign their child out. Students cannot just walk out on their own. Thank you for your understanding.

*A gentle reminder, for the safety of all staff and students, parents should not be exiting through the parking lot after dropping children off coming from North Avenue. Parents need to exit the parking lot onto Armory Street. Thank you for your cooperation.

*Also, just another quick reminder, students should not be entering the building before 7:00am.