Friday, October, 29, 2021 - Bulletin

Day 6


*Attention 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students: Wakefield Winterguard is holding open houses on November 15th, 17th, and 22nd in the Galvin Middle School Gym from 6-9pm. Please email any questions to

*Today’s Lunch: Patriot’s Round Pizza


*A gentle reminder, for the safety of all staff and students, parents should not be exiting through the parking lot after dropping children off coming from North Avenue. Parents need to exit the parking lot onto Armory Street.

Thank you for your cooperation.

*If you have not returned the Emergency Contact Form, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you.

*As a reminder to all students, with the weather turning cooler  we want to make sure all students are dressing appropriately. Please make sure to have a jacket or sweatshirt with you.

*Lost and Found: If any student has lost a water bottle or sweatshirt please check the blue bin in the main office entrance. If you left something behind during PE class, please check the area next to the bleachers in the gymnasium. Thank you.