February 8, 2023

 Today is an early release day and the block order is C, G & A


Attention all girls who would like to try out for the tennis team: Please sign up in Ms. Healy’s office the week of Monday, February 13th through Friday, February 18th.  Thank you.


There will be a baseball signup meeting on Thursday after school in Mr. Leahy's room (RM 1316). Any student interested in baseball should attend the meeting.


Today is an early release! Join a group of friends for lunch at Fuddruckers in Reading and support the Class of 2026. Join us on 2/8/23 from 11 AM-6 PM. 20% of your purchase will go to supporting future Class of 2026 events. A copy of the flyer is outside Mrs. Hagerty classroom (Room 1249) if you'd like to take a picture to bring with you.


Anyone interested in playing softball, there will be an informational meeting and sign ups in Coach Tolios’ room on Thursday, right after school.